Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Every Tuesday the Maren goes to Grandma Marliyns to spend the day with her. During the summer, her big sister gets to join her. Alexa lives for Tuesday. It never fails, all morning long on Monday she says how she wishes it was Tuesday. I know they enjoy it there, b/c the girls always play fun games and is given all the attention in the world.
This day Aunt Rachel had a foot spa party with them. I was happy to learn that both girls give excellent foot massages too!
Monday, June 29, 2009
MOV08550, originally uploaded by Our Adams Family Pictures.
This weekend I was able to work with Rollie and teach her how to rollover. I had already taught her sit and down (lay down.) I was so excited that she picked up rollover in one afternoon. The vet said that she would be easy to teach tricks too b/c she was so food movtiviated and she was right.
Watch out! The video is majorly wobbly due to me trying to video and make Rollie listen to me.
Here is the new landscaping that we finally got done. It looks a ton better now without those oversized bushes. Not to mention the extra dirt piled up and slanted helped our basement from getting flooded during huge storms. Thanks again Dad and Loni for helping us out! It would have never gotten done without you guys!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Enjoy a quick slideshow of Alexa at her Dance Recital. Thank you to everyone who came to watch her show off her year long hard work.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Alexa's was able to perform two different dance routines this year. She loved this routine and is now wanting to do a hip hop class (although I can't see driving to Wynn Twins 2 times a week.) She enjoyed the class and all of her friends that took with her this year. I think we have decided to stay one more year.
This was Alexa's first year to do a ballet only class. She didn't enjoy it to much, so I think she plans on dropping it. The dance was really cute though. For once she isn't doing the one line little girl dance like she has all the other years.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Just 3 days after Audry was born, Fairway, KS had their 60th year anniversary at the park. They recognized the oldest person in Fairway, the person that had lived the longest in Fairway, and the youngest person in Fairway. Baby Audry won the youngest person in Fairway prize, so of course we had to go to the park and watch her name get announced. The kids all played at the park and we all ate at the cookout they were having.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Baby Audry came into the world today! Fletcher now has a new baby sister. We are so excited to get to finally see her. Both the girls have been talking about her since they found out she was coming.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
This was the first night we brought Rollie home. When I got there, Maren was asleep and Alexa was at Vacation Bible School. I was so excited for them both to meet their new puppy. Finally, Alexa came home. Rollie was waiting in the kitchen for her. I told her to get her shoes out of the kitchen. As she headed towards the kitchen, Jay let Rollie out. Alexa's first reaction was to ask whose dog it was. Kenny said it was his new dog. Alexa responded by asking if she could have it jokingly. Of course Kenny said yes and we let her know that it was her new dog. She was so excited!
Finally after what seemed like forever, Maren woke up to meet her new puppy. She didn't react the same way Alexa did. She was scared at first and had no interest in Rollie. Of course that changed after awhile.