Tuesday, July 27, 2010


The girls had their yearly checkup before school. Trey and Michael spent the night last night, so they got to go with us. Everyone acted really well during it all. It was a long appointment, so I was pretty impressed.
Alexa doesn't need to get a shot until she is 11, but Maren was asked if she wanted her 4 shots and her blood drawn now, to wait until she was 5 or to split them up. She opted to get them right now. She was such a big girl too. You could tell it hurt her, but she didn't want to cry in front of Trey and Michael. It took them forever to get that little vial of blood too. They had to keep squeezing her finger. Now we know she doesn't have diabetes. I didn't think she did, but they went ahead and tested her. She also got to pick out 5 toys from a special drawer they had, because they said she was so brave.
Alexa's checkup was pretty simple. They just looked her over. However, they did discover she had an ear infection, so we had to get her on medicine. It was perfect timing, because we are about to get on an airplane and fly. Luckily her medicine will be working by then, so it won't be painful.

Monday, July 5, 2010


Since it was a muggy day we decided to take the girls to Science City. We went to the Dinosaur 3-D movie where we learned about how paleontologists dig up bones and then we went to the Planetarium where we learned about how telescopes worked. Alexa mentioned after going to both shows how educational the day was. I think she also convinced Maren to be a paleontologist.

Today is also Grandma Hauk's 55th Bday. She lives far away in Georgia, so we couldn't be there, but we would have loved to be!


I know by now we are all thinking "What color was the tooth fairy's dress?" It was dark blue this time. She also left 5 whole dollars. I am pretty sure it was because of how hard Alexa worked at getting the tooth for her.

This little tooth did not want to come out. For over 6 months now we have been thinking it was time. All through the school year it bothered her, but it hung on. Finally, after all this time it came out (of course after a little pulling and tugging by Alexa.) It came out the day we left for the lake, so Alexa stuck it in a plastic bag on her desk for when we got home. The whole way home she kept asking us if the tooth fairy was still working since it was getting really late.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


We decided to head to the lake this year for the Fourth of July. It turned out to be a great idea since it rained in Kansas City and stayed pretty clear at the Ozark's.
We played all weekend on the lake. Alexa finally got the nerve to ride on the jet ski again. We let her try driving it and she loved being in control. It gave her more confidence taht she was safe, so she begged all weekend to go back on it.
Maren of course loved the jet ski, but also became more confident at swimming off the dock in her life jacket. She even swam without her Zoey tube. Both girls are getting better at swimming.
We ended up heading home late on the 4th, so we watched a lot of the fireworks driving home. Since it rained that night in Kansas City, we were able to catch a lot of the fireworks once we got home and the rain cleared.