Tuesday, February 22, 2011


The girls and I went to Grease tonight at the Musical Hall. It was fun having a night with just them and watching a great musical. They used a few bad words, which both the girls would point out each time. I was surprised to see how many young girls ended up coming to the play.
The next day the girls got to wear their shirts they got from Grease to school.

Monday, February 14, 2011


I have got to be the luckiest mom ever to have the best family!

I took off Valentine's Day, so that I could help out at the girls' parties (and of course take a ton of pictures) and then Jay and I went to dinner with some friends. It was a great day being with my family.


I got to go to Alexa's Valentine's Day Party to help out (Maren came too.)
For the past few years it has landed on either a weekend or a Friday, so I am used to taking her home for the weekend. It was weird having it on a Monday for once.
Alexa had fake mustaches in her VDays, which were a big hit. Everyone had them on at one point playing around. The boys instantly put them on and played with them and eventually the girls started putting them on. They also made a rose craft and played a couple of games during the party.


Maren and Michael's first Valentine's Day party! They both got a ton of creative Valentines from all of their classmates.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


The girls and I had a VDay making party. First we went shopping to find all the goodies to put in the bags and then I had each girl go through and write their names on the bag and put the goodies in. Maren asked to decorate her boxes, so I said okay. Then I found one box without any decorations. She said that she didn't want to give Will a decorated box (a little boy in her class that she argues with), I explained to her that no matter what she needed to be fair to everyone and she needed to decorate the box. She ended up sticking one heart and telling me that's all she could do for that one. I thought she would forget about it once she went to school, but she didn't. She made sure to hand that exact box to Will. She is definitely going to be a hard teenager.