Friday, May 25, 2012


Alexa's 4th grade card

Maren's Kindergarten grade card

Friday, May 18, 2012


Maren's class had a tiny graduation ceremony in the school garden.

Maren was the line leader. It pays off to have a last name that starts with 'A'.

They started off by singing us a few songs they learned this year.

Then they did a poem. A pair would recite a line they learned. MAREN'S partner was absent, so she did hers solo. Her line was "K is for kindergarten. Hip hip hurray."

Mr. Merfen, the principle, gave them their certificates.

After the ceremony, we headed back to the classroom to see a video of pictures. Mrs. Swift gave the kids a photo album with tons of pictures of what they did that year. I think that was Maren's favorite. She didn't put it down.

I can't believe my final one has graduated kindergarten. The time flew by!


Alexa's class went to the Legends Shopping Center for her field trip. They had to go around and find all of the famous Kansans' statues, read their facts and then answer questions about them. (my group also window shopped and picked out our favorite outfits in each of the windows)

Once our scavenger hunt was finished, we all met back at Dave and Busters where they got cookies and lemonade. Then they spent the rest of the day at Franklin's Park.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


I was able to convince the girls to get a couple of photos during our Mother's Day outing.


We had a relaxing Mother's Day shopping at the Greenwood, MO antique malls. We found a couple of great finds.

(I forced everyone to take several picks prior to leaving. Pretty good for the camera being propped on the roof of my car!)