Jay arranged for us to go snorkeling with the girls. It was their first time. Maren did pretty well with it after awhile. Alexa couldn't stand the taste of the water, so she would only wear the mask. She had a blast looking at the fish once she got started with that.

Getting ready to go on the boat.

The boat had a net over the water in the front of the boat. The girls loved laying on it and getting sprayed by the water.

Jay was able to see a turtle under him while he was snorkeling. I tried to catch up, but the girls wanted to turn back and go to the boat. Our snorkel guide, Keely told us about the turtle before everyone caught one and swam over.

We went turtle watching after we got done with lunch. We were able to see tons of large sea turtles.

The girls were excited to see the rainbow.

Afterwards we went to eat at Uncles on Pier 38. It was a long wait, but pretty good food.