Friday, February 28, 2014


Eighteen Week Recap
  1. Coen got shots this week during his checkup.  Poor baby ended up fussing throughout the night and was upset the following day.  This is the worst that shots have ever made him feel.

Friday, February 21, 2014


Seventeen Week Recap
  1. Coen always has his hands in his mouth right now.  He already has his two teeth, but for some reason he seems to nibble on his fingers.
  2. Coen is laughing independently without being tickled.  In the past we would have to tickle him to get him to chuckle, but now we can make funny faces.

Friday, February 14, 2014


Coen had his first Valetnine's Day today.  Nothing to eventful happened, but he did get to go to Maren's Valentine's Day party.  Alexa didn't have this one because 6th grade goes bowling instead.


Sixteen Week Recap
  1. We finished up our four days in Colorado. 
  2. During our stay in the hotel, Coen got to experience his first fire alarm.  It was right when he was laid down for a nap, so he wasn't so happy.
  3. It was Coen's first Valentine's Day.  He went to Maren's school party and relaxed at home. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014



We went for a four day trip to Keystone, Colorado.  At first Coen and I weren't going to go, but I decided that we didn't want to miss out.  Daddy took Alexa and Maren skiing 2 of the days and Coen and I stayed in the room by the fireplace.  It snowed pretty much the entire time we were there, which made it great for skiing.  Daddy said the girls were able to go down the practice hill a couple of times and then they were ready to go out on the blues.  I was worried that they wouldn't remember and would need lessons.

Friday, I had to work all day, but Coen was a good boy as always and let me get my work done.  Saturday, we snuggled all day until the fire alarm went off and we had to head to the main room until the firefighters said it was clear to go back to our room. 

Alexa, Maren and dad skied for two days and had a blast.  Of course all of them each had their own epic wipe out. (Maren's favorite ski saying.)  At one point, they all wiped out at the same time.

Friday, February 7, 2014


Fifteen Week Recap
  1. Coen's second tooth finally popped through to give him the cutest little grin!
  2. This week the girls, Coen and I all stayed home and cuddled due to having a full week of snow days.
  3. Coen got to take his first trip to Colorado.  He didn't ski this time, but he stayed by the fire with me as daddy and his sisters skied the slopes in keystone.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


We took this one morning when school was cancelled due to snow.  I was holding Coen in most of these pictures and Maren took them!