Friday, March 28, 2014


Twenty Two Recap
  1. Coen can grab both of his feet when laying down.
  2. He tried green beans and pears for the first time.
  3. Coen wasn't feeling his best this week.  He had a slight fever and during our dinner at Blue Moose may have had a small seizure.  The doctor said it was common when a baby is having a bottle and falling asleep.
  4. Coen is working on crawling and can scoot backwards.
  5. He can sit a few seconds on his own, but we have to be close by.

Friday, March 21, 2014


Coen's five month birthday is coming up, so I took a few photos of him.  He is stinking cute!


Twenty One Week Recap
  1. Coen can now grab his toes!  He usually only grabs his right one, but he will get them both at times.
  2. Coen was introduced to sweet potatoes this week, which he loved.  He will eat a half of one!

Friday, March 14, 2014


Twenty Week Recap
  1. Coen started eating big boy foods.  We decided to do avocado instead of cereal and he took to it really well.
  2. He also tried yogurt and carrots this week too.
  3. Coen helped me celebrate my birthday this week.

Monday, March 10, 2014


Alexa had to study a country this semester and she picked Egypt, which is funny since I always wanted to go to Egypt when I was younger.  Basically she had to write a huge paper about the country, make a popular food from the country and write a speech.  Then all the parents and other classes come and go from statue to statue listening to all the kids speeches.  It was fun to see all the different costumes each kid had.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Big boy had his first food today.  We went with avocado instead of the traditional cereal that most people give, because we felt like it was a healthier choice.  He took to it really well and seemed to know exactly what to do.  He did make a scrunched up face every time, but he kept opening up for more.  He would also shudder his shoulders every once in awhile when he was eating.  Overall, he seemed to love it.

Friday, March 7, 2014


Nineteen Week Recap
  1. Coen had his first slumber party.  He spent the night with Grandma Adams for three nights in a row while Dad and I were out of town for my business trip.
  2. Coen was a good boy and I was so excited to be back with the family after a long week away.
  3. He now reaches out for his bottle when you sit down to feed him.
  4. He screeches when he giggles.  It's pretty adorable.