Tuesday, November 3, 2015


After years of waiting, Kansas City finally won a World Series.  After our win, they had a celebration at Union Station.  The players were all in a parade and did a speech at Union Station in front of almost all of Kansas City.  Schools and work places were even cancelled, so that we could all celebrate. 

Since so many people attended, parking was hard to find.  We were able to park pretty close and walk to Union Station.  We were pretty lucky since I was 8 months pregnant and we had little Coen. 



Sunday, November 1, 2015


Maren has been playing on FCKC team this year.  She usually will play goalie for a half and then switch and play on the field the other half.  They were in a tournament over the Halloween weekend and wont their first two games.  Unfortunately, they lost their third game (Maren did make a goal though), so they didn't go to the final game.  It was still a beautiful day and a great way to end the season.