Saturday, April 3, 2010


We ended up asking Trey to come with us to Junie B Jones the play. Since he was with us until we went to the play he got to decorate Easter Eggs with us. They all had fun dipping their eggs and then decorating them with stickers. I was pretty impressed at how well they all took turns on the colors.
After working so hard at decorating their eggs, we went to go see the play Junie B. Jones. Alexa and Trey have both read the books who are written by Barbra Parks. Alexa really loved them last year and still will check them out from the library if she sees one she hasn't read. Trey just started them too and he said he likes them. The kids looked like they enjoyed it a lot and giggled through the whole show. At the end they stood outside to greet everyone, so Alexa got their autographs. One of them was named Alexa too, so she told her that they had the same name.

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