Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Maren's scrap fell off wen she was sleeping last night! That horrible thing got in the way and also made her feel bad. Now that it's off, she is looking so much better.
It couldn't have happened on a better day either, because today is the day she is finally getting her top teeth removed. I thought it was going to be the top two front teeth, but it ended up being the top four teeth. The dentist also said he could tell that she did fracture the bone, but there wasn't anything that could be done.
Once they did the examination on her mouth, they hooked her up to an IV to put her out. We had to leave the room for that. I thought it would last awhile, but they were done in no time at all. Turned out they removed the top four teeth, cleaned some of the infection, cleaned the scabs on her lip and stitched the top of her mouth in the gum-line. She already looked so much better when we got to go back to see her.
Now she can hopefully start getting better so that she can eat solids and be able to drink from a cup.

On our way to the dentist.

Right before the surgery.

After surgery.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Maren ended up going back to the ER last night. She started throwing up and wouldn't stop. They think it was a virus rather than neurological caused from the concussion, because she wasn't acting odd and she didn't have a headache. They ended up putting her on more mess to calm her stomach, so her pain medicine could stay down. Turns out she has a sore throat and snuffles like what I've had recently, so she didn't want to swallow. She can drink now with the medicine taking her throat pain away.
The nice part is, they gave us a syringe to get her fluids down. She can now put that in her mouth to bypass all of her cuts on her lips and mouth. That, with the pain reliever, she is actually able to drink now. Hopefully we can have her eating soft foods by the end of the day today and not have to go back to the ER.
She woke up this morning in a pretty good mood. She can't speak, so her dad and her worked out a finger number system. 1 = yes and 2 = no and she gave us a yes for how she was feeling. She even came up with a number 3 and number 4. Which is idiot and loser. Of course we explained she can still get in trouble even though she is hurt.
We have been pretty lucky with how the overall results are coming. All the dr's keep saying that she should heal pretty quick because it's a mouth and lip injury. They said about 6 - 7 days and we will have our Maren back. I think the scars will be minimum too.

Maren's Booboo

Monday, February 20, 2012


I was coming home from work when Jay called to tell me that Maren fell and he was taking her to the ER. My first reaction was to drive to the first ER I was by assuming that's where they were going. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Turned out that Jay went to Children's Mercy, so I rushed down to that ER.
When I got there, Maren was sitting calmly holding a towel to her face. Right when I got there they called us back. By the time they saw her mouth the washcloth had glued itself yo her face, so they had to pour warm water on the washcloth to loosen it up. She acted so good during all of it.
The doctor came in to look at everything and was concerned that she did major damage to the bone in her face. He ended up leaving the room after speaking with us. While it was just us in the room, Maren told Jay that she felt sick and hot. Then all of a sudden she passed out. Jay was holding her, so I ran out of the room saying "help, help!" while he was trying to wake her back up.
All of the nurses and the doctor came running in to help and they put Maren on the bed. One nurse was trying to put the oxygen mask over her mouth, but it was so swollen and hurt, she ended up not. Poor Alexa was crying, because she was worried for Maren and I think it was all overwhelming for me as well. I ended up getting really dizzy and had to sit down. The doctor ended up making me leave the room and wait in a new room while they put an IV in Maren.
Once they gave her an IV, they brought Maren into the room I was sitting in. They cleaned her mouth up to really look at the damage and the doctor came back in to explain that they thought it was smart to take her to the downtown ER.
Maren asked for Jay to ride with her in the ambulance. Once at downtown, they came in and gave her a cat scan of her mouth to see if the bone in her mouth was broken or fractured.
They said that she didn't end up breaking the bone and they said that we could go home and come back the next day to see the dentist. They didn't even stitch her mouth or her lip. The doctors explained that they thought it would scar worse if they stitched it, so they wanted to leave it alone. They also said the inside of her mouth would heal pretty fast too.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


The girls had their parties at school today. Dad came and picked the girls up from school and met me on the plaza for lunch and even got them pretty pink carnations to make the day special. Then he went to both their parties. I even was able to stop by.

Here is Alexa's robot and MAREN'S alligator VDAY box. Alexa thought really hard on what she wanted to do and even had a pull down door to stick the valentines in.

The girls having fun at their parties.

The girls opening their "i love u" presents.

Maren's first Valentine.  Greyson spent a lot of time making this for Maren.  She also got another one from a little boy in her class that said "You are as funny as my mom."  I saw the mom later on and she said her son made that super special for her and seeing the words he wrote made her laugh.


Monday, February 13, 2012


The girls worked on their valentine boxes for awhile, but we decided to make homemade valentines the night before. We had to do them pretty quick before bedtime, so even dad hopped in and helped out.

Alexa picked to do mustaches, because she thought they were funny. Maren picked to do flowers.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Dad got tickets to the new Kauffmann Center to seeAladdin. The place was beautiful. We had the best seats on the side, so it felt like we were in our own box. The p,ay was cute too. It was Starlight's children theatre edition, so they did a great job keeping the kids engaged.