I was coming home from work when Jay called to tell me that Maren fell and he was taking her to the ER. My first reaction was to drive to the first ER I was by assuming that's where they were going. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Turned out that Jay went to Children's Mercy, so I rushed down to that ER.
When I got there, Maren was sitting calmly holding a towel to her face. Right when I got there they called us back. By the time they saw her mouth the washcloth had glued itself yo her face, so they had to pour warm water on the washcloth to loosen it up. She acted so good during all of it.
The doctor came in to look at everything and was concerned that she did major damage to the bone in her face. He ended up leaving the room after speaking with us. While it was just us in the room, Maren told Jay that she felt sick and hot. Then all of a sudden she passed out. Jay was holding her, so I ran out of the room saying "help, help!" while he was trying to wake her back up.
All of the nurses and the doctor came running in to help and they put Maren on the bed. One nurse was trying to put the oxygen mask over her mouth, but it was so swollen and hurt, she ended up not. Poor Alexa was crying, because she was worried for Maren and I think it was all overwhelming for me as well. I ended up getting really dizzy and had to sit down. The doctor ended up making me leave the room and wait in a new room while they put an IV in Maren.
Once they gave her an IV, they brought Maren into the room I was sitting in. They cleaned her mouth up to really look at the damage and the doctor came back in to explain that they thought it was smart to take her to the downtown ER.
Maren asked for Jay to ride with her in the ambulance. Once at downtown, they came in and gave her a cat scan of her mouth to see if the bone in her mouth was broken or fractured.
They said that she didn't end up breaking the bone and they said that we could go home and come back the next day to see the dentist. They didn't even stitch her mouth or her lip. The doctors explained that they thought it would scar worse if they stitched it, so they wanted to leave it alone. They also said the inside of her mouth would heal pretty fast too.