Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Maren ended up going back to the ER last night. She started throwing up and wouldn't stop. They think it was a virus rather than neurological caused from the concussion, because she wasn't acting odd and she didn't have a headache. They ended up putting her on more mess to calm her stomach, so her pain medicine could stay down. Turns out she has a sore throat and snuffles like what I've had recently, so she didn't want to swallow. She can drink now with the medicine taking her throat pain away.
The nice part is, they gave us a syringe to get her fluids down. She can now put that in her mouth to bypass all of her cuts on her lips and mouth. That, with the pain reliever, she is actually able to drink now. Hopefully we can have her eating soft foods by the end of the day today and not have to go back to the ER.
She woke up this morning in a pretty good mood. She can't speak, so her dad and her worked out a finger number system. 1 = yes and 2 = no and she gave us a yes for how she was feeling. She even came up with a number 3 and number 4. Which is idiot and loser. Of course we explained she can still get in trouble even though she is hurt.
We have been pretty lucky with how the overall results are coming. All the dr's keep saying that she should heal pretty quick because it's a mouth and lip injury. They said about 6 - 7 days and we will have our Maren back. I think the scars will be minimum too.

Maren's Booboo

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