Saturday, January 25, 2014


Maren's birthday is coming up next Thursday, so we asked her what she wanted to do.  She said she wanted to go ice skating at first, but then decided on a slumber party.  She invited her 5 friends Adrienne, Ava, Paige, Hadley and Ellie.  (Hadley ended up getting sick the day of the party, so she wasn't able to come.)

We started off with pizza, cake and goodie bags and then Jay walked them down to the movie.  They had a blast walking even though it was pretty cold out.  By the time they made it back it was already 9:30, so we had them all get in their jammies and play in Maren's room.  They were all really good and got along the entire time.  Amazingly, they went to bed right when I asked them to.  I was worried I would have a group of giggly girls that would wake the baby, but they were all so good.

The next morning, Jay made them all breakfast off of a menu Maren created for them to choose from.  They all then played with Coen the rest of the morning until their parents all came.

(Alexa stayed at the party for a whole five minutes after the girls arrived until she was saved by her friend.  She was so happy Isabel invited her to spend the night.)



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