Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Mommy and Maren coming down the tunnel slide.

Maren in the tunnels.

Maren riding a horse on the carousel.

Maren in the tunnels.

Maren and Mommy riding the Snake Roller Coaster.

Alexa and Emma riding the Banana Ride.

Maren in the tunnels.

Alexa in the tunnels.

Maren and Alexa in the tunnels.

The girls with the big monkey statue.

Maren in the tunnels

Maren took a picture of me in the tunnels. I thought she did a pretty good job.

Maren enjoying her ride on the Snake Roller Coaster.
Everyone on the monkey statue: Alexa, Maren, Emma, Noah, and James

Alexa, Maren and Emma on the carousel.

Alexa and Maren on the banana.

Alexa, Maren and Emma on the Snake Roller Coaster.

Grandma Hauk is in town, so we had to do something that was fun! Her best friend Tracey came up with her two youngest and another little boy. Alexa and Emma instantly became friends and rode all the rides together (which you can tell, b/c I hardly got any pics of them and the boys, but a ton of Maren). I took so many great pictures it was hard to choose which ones to use.

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